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Why centralise your approach to projects?

Without a central standard approach, businesses end up with project managers using different methods for running projects, making it almost impossible to capture information centrally or accurately. This leaves plenty of room for more than one version of the truth. Also, when experience staff leave, much of your business knowledge leaves with them. Small teams work around this, but such an approach will not scale without causing the business much pain or worse. Centralising your approach will alleviate much of the above and help with the following:

  • Bring to life and automate your projects, process and governance
  • Easier for executives and project teams to execute business strategy
  • Help you deliver innovation and competitive advantage to market
  • Easier oversight of project and portfolio budgets and actual spends
  • Project assurance visibility helps sales gain customer buy-in
  • Easier to balance quality-of-service delivery while scaling the business
  • Retain and build a body of knowledge that adds value to your business
  • Help towards maximising your resource and the value of your business

If you would like see how we can help, contact us.

How to integrate new team members and scale

Bringing new employees up to speed learning multiple software, let alone given tasks to do in projects already underway, can be daunting for all parties. A wealth of new information in context must be explained and learned, quite often in an abstract manner over several weeks and months.

The way to resolve this situation is to simplify the complex, with an easy-to-use integrated project management application, so any new edition to the team clearly sees what they need to do and when in-context of the project status. This allows for a smoother fit into the team, requires minimal integration time and the new team member contributes straight away though the following:

  • Intuitive design for easy and quick onboarding
  • Automated workflow and processes remove admin complexity
  • Automated dashboards and reports remove reporting complexity
  • Personal task list by role with instructions 'what to do and when'
  • Little to no training required
  • In-context user manual and user videos support

Simple to set up and customise, with easy-to-use onboarding for swift adoption to overcome change resistance – the main barrier to successful project portfolio management adoption.

If you would like see how we can help, contact us.

Free up your resource to be more productive

For managers, it is hugely time-consuming handing out tasks to individuals and creating manual reports. Instead of briefing each person one at a time, project managers can set up a project allocating tasks to team members by role. When the team member next logs in, they see their new list of tasks with instructions of what to do and when, a timesaving win for everyone through use of:

  • One project software platform instead of many
  • Industry project templates ready to go and editable
  • Fast project setup and team task allocation in minutes
  • In-context risk, issues, and milestones management
  • Document and file storage in-context of the project
  • End to end project oversight in portfolio screens
  • Built in compliance and governance with reports
  • Automated project status and finance dashboards
  • Project portfolio archive for audit trail and lessons learnt

All project team member update the application when they start or close a task, open and close issues, or enter purchase costs and inventory items. The application aggregates this information in real-time at the project, portfolio and business levels with automated dashboards, reports and financial analysis making for huge saving across the board.

If you would like see how we can help, contact us.

Transparency of high and low level details

A single project platform enables team members to contribute to the project in a meaningful way and oversight visibility helps keep the team focused and accountable so the project progress in the right direction.

The application aggregates information in real-time at project, portfolio and the business level with automated dashboards, reports and financial analysis to keep you in the picture, through use of the following:

  • Real time project and portfolio status dashboards with drill downs
  • Real-time project and portfolio financial dashboards with drill downs
  • Automated reports with drill downs into detail
  • Milestone tracking with status alerts
  • Inbuilt compliance, governance and change control with reports
  • Predicted project completion date based on actual performance
  • Predicted project and portfolio profit margins based on actual spends

You see a single accurate one version of the truth, accessed in real-time, for informed decision making at each business level, ensuring efficiency, transparency and accountability for a pro-active not re-active business.

If you would like see how we can help, contact us.

Team collaboration

Communication can be a challenge for teams in the same office, let alone a virtual team without the opportunity to interact with colleagues or managers as frequently as a co-located team could. This can leave team members feeling disconnected, leading to poor individual, team and project performance. The right project management platform helps overcome this by facilitating an environment of information transparency, guidence and support through:

  • One project software platform instead of many
  • Repeatable editable project templates use for familiarity
  • Real-time project work-flow tasks and project life-cycle views
  • Role based allocated tasks with instructions
  • Individual user tasks lists view
  • In-context of project tasks issue management
  • In-context project documents and file storage
  • Project team instant messenger
  • Mobile phone app for project task edit and issues management
  • Mobile phone voice assist on project and portfolio reporting

A centralised project delivery platform will make it easier to remove unclear team expectations, improve performance tracking and provide peer-to-peer connections to foster skills and knowledge sharing.

If you would like see how we can help, contact us.

Gain higher levels of project delivery assurance

Automated and advanced project management productivity platforms are already here, with technical advancement that incorporates AI and machine learning into project management systems.

The best project management platforms will aim to simplify the complex removing or automating non value add tasks and processes, to make life more efficient and easier for project teams and business executives.

A single project platform enables a single version of the truth, delivering a birds-eye view with drill downs into route cause for true insight and informed decision making.

Your project teams will find it much easier to know what to do, when and how, collectively deal with most challenges in a timely manner, and keep projects on track and budget for your business and customers.

A new generation project management platform will demonstrably improve the level of your project team performance and raise the bar on repeatable project delivery assurance for happier project teams, a healthier business and happier customers.

If you would like see how we can help, contact us.

Safety and security protocols

For PMS Ltd, security is our number one priority. We have taken thorough steps to guarantee your messages, actions, and files are secure inside the EZPS platform. This standard for security is true across our application, technical user, network, data centre, and network layers. The EZPS platform security framework includes the following:

  • Validated access control
  • Workspace security model
  • Application security
  • Network and infrastructure security
  • Data security
  • Organizational security
  • Cloud security
  • Industry compliance

The EZPS platform security processes support full redundancy, vulnerability management and business continuity plans.

If you would like see how we can help, contact us.

Let's talk: To see what EZPS can do to help your business?

Enquiries and comments

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  • Plans & Pricing
  • Service Capabilities
  • Business Solutions
  • Enterprise Solutions
  • Training and Support